Monday, April 4, 2011

One Way Streets

Apparently I've been slacking or there haven't been as many instances where I think WTF?.... I'll try to be more diligent in my posting. I promise!

As I was driving in the big city (Edmonton) yesterday after visiting my neice and sister-in-law, I took a road that was a one-way street. It's clearly marked at all intersections. Well I was driving down the road and a driver was coming from the other direction and swerved in front of me into a driveway. I thought it was kinda funny cuz I was just thinking two seconds earlier that I wanted to switch lanes and when I saw him I was glad I didn't. I did think to myself 'last I knew this was a one-way street, good thing I didn't change lanes since it's not...'
Then I noticed the reaction of the pedestrians on the sidewalk. They all had their hands in the air as though they were flabbergasted at what just happened. I realized that it is in fact a one-way street and that I should've laid on the horn when I saw him!
I just couldn't believe someone would drive that far down a one-way street when there's signs at every corner saying 'wrong way'.

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