Monday, November 8, 2010

Slow Drivers...

Example 1:If you're following someone in a posted 60 zone and they are doing 50, do you tailgate? I know I do. I mean, its only the posted limit for a reason: to go that speed!
Last night, we were heading to the city for a family thing and took a back way to avoid construction on a major freeway. we were following this Ford that didn't seem to know where they were going or what the speed limit is. When they pulled into the turning lane, my husband sped passed him and Dylyn and Mark noticed that he inconspicuously flipped us the bird by 'scratching' his nose with the afformentioned bird... Maybe he was simply scratching his nose, but I doubt it. But if you are going to flip someone the bird, don't you want to at least doing the speed limit so you, yourself are following the law?

Example 2:
Today I was leaving Nutter's to go back to work after purchasing my fix of chocolate covered pretzels (I had to live all summer without them) and I ended up following a car, doing no-word-of-a-lie, 15km/h!!! I didn't even know they had cars that idled that slow, lol. It was ssssssooooooo sssssssssllllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwww...............
How do these ppl even still have liscences?

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