Monday, December 27, 2010

Red Lights

Since when did stop lights become stop signs or 'proceed with caution' when they are red?

In the last week or so, I've come across two occassions where this has happened.
One day, a car stopped at the light, then went even though it was still red for them. I don't even think they were phased by it, didn't realize that it was in fact a red light.
Another day, an SUV didn't even stop at a red light. I think they slowed down, saw that no one was coming and just went. Not sure if they noticed that it was a red light, or just didn't care.  Probably the latter.

There is a reason red lights exist. For the safety of drivers. Apparently ppl don't understand that concept...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Snow-one Remember's Where the Lanes Are?

Why is it when it snows, no one can remember where the lanes are?

I swear, everytime it snows more than a dusting, everyone who drives these roads everyday, forgets where the lanes actually are.
There's an intersection in town where there are 3 lanes: one for turning left, one for going straight, and one for turning right. Today, half the ppl seem to have forgotten that there are seperate lanes for going left and straight. Actually, someone forgot yesterday too and mistook the left turning lane for going straight and cut off a few drivers.
Another street in town, there are two lanes in each direction. When it snows, everyone forgets that there are two lanes and start out in one lane and eventually drift off into the second lane about halfway down the street. I typically use the second less travelled lane to pass ppl who are going to slow. In the winter, I usually can't do that since there ends up being only two very wide lanes on the four lane road.

Another thing that bothers me in the winter is business owners who shovel all their snow onto the road. When they shovel it into a driving lane, its a pain in the ass for drivers in smaller vehicles to try and maneuver within that lane. When they shovel it into a parking lane, good luck getting out of it if you even in!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Duel Left-handed Turning

So apparently I don't come across the 'not so common common sense' situations as often as it seemed, but I will continue to add to this when I do come across them. It just might not be every day or week....

This occurance actually happened last week, but I kept forgetting to write it down:
I was driving back to work one lunch hour and at one set of lights in town, two vehicles facing eachother were wanting to both turn to their respective lefts and neither was willing to turn therefore holding up everyone behind them.
I'm not sure what would possess both of them to just sit there and wait out the light before turning. Thankfully one of them finally decided to go just before the light turned yellow so that everyone wasn't sitting there for yet another light because they were too scared to turn...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Impatient Ppl

This actually happened yesterday, but that post was reserved for slow drivers ;)

Do you ever get those drivers that basically cut you off just to turn off half a block later? This was very similar, only more ridiculous.... They pulled out of a parking lot, only to pull back into the other side of the parking lot, practically doing a U-turn, whilst cutting me off because they couldn't wait another 3 seconds for me to get by first.
What's the point in cutting someone off when it was completely unnecessary in the first place?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Slow Drivers...

Example 1:If you're following someone in a posted 60 zone and they are doing 50, do you tailgate? I know I do. I mean, its only the posted limit for a reason: to go that speed!
Last night, we were heading to the city for a family thing and took a back way to avoid construction on a major freeway. we were following this Ford that didn't seem to know where they were going or what the speed limit is. When they pulled into the turning lane, my husband sped passed him and Dylyn and Mark noticed that he inconspicuously flipped us the bird by 'scratching' his nose with the afformentioned bird... Maybe he was simply scratching his nose, but I doubt it. But if you are going to flip someone the bird, don't you want to at least doing the speed limit so you, yourself are following the law?

Example 2:
Today I was leaving Nutter's to go back to work after purchasing my fix of chocolate covered pretzels (I had to live all summer without them) and I ended up following a car, doing no-word-of-a-lie, 15km/h!!! I didn't even know they had cars that idled that slow, lol. It was ssssssooooooo sssssssssllllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwww...............
How do these ppl even still have liscences?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Money Talks

if you were getting paid $400,000/yr and then had to pay your two employees ($40,000/yr each) and were left with $320,000 and say $220,000 after you pay taxes, would you pay your employees more? what if they're the ones doing most of the work? is it fair to say that  making $200/hr for the time you do put into work is fair to your employees who do all your work for you?

makes me really want to be my own boss now...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Street Sweepers

Have you ever noticed when a street sweeper just isn't sweeping enough to even really be considered cleaning the streets?

Today was the day that I noticed how bad a job ours do. I've actually noticed before, but thought it could've been a one time thing... Of course fall is upon us so there is more dirt in the gutters than there usually is since there are leaves everywhere, but it sure does show how bad a job those machines do.

The first time I noticed, it was doing a pretty good job of cleaning the gutters, but it left a pretty bad trail of leaves that all it did was make it look like the leaves were just simply displaced somewhere else instead of actually being cleaned off the street. Today, it didn't look like it did any kind of sweeping and just made the leaves and asphalt wet in its tracks. Not very usefull if the object of the maching is to sweep the streets clean....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Signal Light Isn't Just an Accessory

As I was driving back to work yesterday, I was following a truck doing 10km/h less than the speed limit. In the school zone, I don't have much of an issue with it, but after the school zone, I find very few ppl who actually speed up the 50km/h speed limit that the rest of town has except for school zones and playgrounds. So this truck proceeds to drive 10 under and do 40km/h down the road.

Suddenly, he decides to hit the brakes and veer off to the right hand side to let me go around him. It would have been useful if he had used his signal light to let others know of his intentions. It was so sudden, that had I not been paying attention, I may have ploughed right into his bumper and suffered more damage to my car than his truck could have possibly endured by his sudden movements without any type of warning from his signal light.

Luckily for me, I try to pay attention to the other drivers around me and try not to do something that could possibly cause an accident if I am possibly causing someone road rage....

Monday, September 27, 2010

4-way Stops, or Lack Thereof

I was on my way to do my weekly grocery shopping. I come to the 4-way stop down the street. The car to my right stopped before I did so they obviously have the right of way. What the truck behind them failed to notice was that you have to pull up to the stop line, stop and then proceed. Not stay stopped where they were behind the car in front of them and then disregard the rules of right of way at a 4-way stop. I technically had the right of way after the car since I stopped at the stop line just after the car did and before the truck did.

Apparently he had a case of 'not so common' common sense that day....