Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Street Sweepers

Have you ever noticed when a street sweeper just isn't sweeping enough to even really be considered cleaning the streets?

Today was the day that I noticed how bad a job ours do. I've actually noticed before, but thought it could've been a one time thing... Of course fall is upon us so there is more dirt in the gutters than there usually is since there are leaves everywhere, but it sure does show how bad a job those machines do.

The first time I noticed, it was doing a pretty good job of cleaning the gutters, but it left a pretty bad trail of leaves that all it did was make it look like the leaves were just simply displaced somewhere else instead of actually being cleaned off the street. Today, it didn't look like it did any kind of sweeping and just made the leaves and asphalt wet in its tracks. Not very usefull if the object of the maching is to sweep the streets clean....

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