Do unto others? Does that not come into play when in a hit and run?
The hubby and I were in Calgary for the weekend visiting family and I went with my cousin for some b-day shopping for her neice. We had already been to a few stores and everywhere seems so busy (makes me thankful we live in a small town and not a big city) and crowded. We got to Canadian Tire looking for rollerblades for her neice (of which they are apparently phasing out the selling of them in their stores, good to know for future purposes) and as we were coming into the parking lot, we witnessed someone bump into another vehicle.
Granted that vehicle was sitting in the fire lane in front of most stores without their hazard lights on and was unattended which they really shouldn't be doing in the first place, but that's besides the point. Another vehicle was trying to pull out of the parking lot hit that vehicle. I want to say they knew they did it, but it really seemed like they didn't know it happened. It's kind of hard to not know you hit a vehicle when you do it hard enough to see the vehicle move at least 6 inches, not to mention the sound that would be heard of plastic screeching as it rubs against plastic. He left a nice scratch in their bumper, backed up enough to reposition the car so they could get out without hitting anything else and drove away.
I was flabberghasted! i'd never actually seen this happen before. I've seen little taps where nothing happens, not even a spec of paint transfered from one vehicle to the other, but not one that bad.
We parked and when we walked up to the doors, we saw the guy who's vehicle got hit who was already getting told what happened by an employee that was also standing right there when the offending vehicle hit his SUV. Luckily the employee got the car's liscence plate number for the guy. I was in such shock that the car didn't even just drive ahead, stop, get out and at least leave a note on the vehicle he just hit with his information. I can't belive people do this! (actually I can since it happened to hubby a few years ago when someone hit his car in the middle of the night and took off... but that's a whole other rant)
What happened to common sense when you hit another person's vehicle. How would you feel if someone did that to you? Would you brush it off as no big deal? Doubt it!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Motorized Wheelchair Vs. Vehicle???
is survival of the fittest a thing of the past? or is it just ignorance? or maybe physics that some refuse to acknowledge?
last i checked, collisions involving one object considerably bigger/heavier than the other, the other didn't fair so well... but apparently motorized wheelchairs are exempt from this rule of thumb.
i was driving back to work from the local tim hortons when at a set of lights, said motorized wheelchair (for the remainder of this post will be called: MWC) was in the right-hand lane with it's left signal light on and a car on its left side going straight and the car on the other side of the intersection going straight as well. i think they knew the one car was beside them, but didn't even pay any attention to any other traffic, which there were at least 8 vehicles at that intersection at that time.
well the vehicle next to them goes through the intersection when the light turns green, but then instead of driving into the turning lane, proceeds to cut me and the vehicle on the other side of the light off and didn't even flinch! of course anyone would be too scared to even accidently hit a MWC so everyone just let it happen and no one tapped their horn or anything, myself included. i know the look on my face was disbelief that they actually do this knowing full well how much bigger a vehicle is compared to a MWC and yet still cut at least 2 vehicles off when not even having the right-of-way and didn't batt an eyelash.
do they think they have the right of way just because they have a MWC? or are there infact seperate rules that apply when they are on the road?
last i checked, collisions involving one object considerably bigger/heavier than the other, the other didn't fair so well... but apparently motorized wheelchairs are exempt from this rule of thumb.
i was driving back to work from the local tim hortons when at a set of lights, said motorized wheelchair (for the remainder of this post will be called: MWC) was in the right-hand lane with it's left signal light on and a car on its left side going straight and the car on the other side of the intersection going straight as well. i think they knew the one car was beside them, but didn't even pay any attention to any other traffic, which there were at least 8 vehicles at that intersection at that time.
well the vehicle next to them goes through the intersection when the light turns green, but then instead of driving into the turning lane, proceeds to cut me and the vehicle on the other side of the light off and didn't even flinch! of course anyone would be too scared to even accidently hit a MWC so everyone just let it happen and no one tapped their horn or anything, myself included. i know the look on my face was disbelief that they actually do this knowing full well how much bigger a vehicle is compared to a MWC and yet still cut at least 2 vehicles off when not even having the right-of-way and didn't batt an eyelash.
do they think they have the right of way just because they have a MWC? or are there infact seperate rules that apply when they are on the road?
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