Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oldie but a Goodie

This post is for a past 'where was their common sense?'...

One day at lunch I was walking to the office from my car and when I got to the front of the building, I saw this:

Need I really explain this one?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stop Sign Blindness?

Just today, I was driving around town doing my usual Sunday grocery trip and as I was pulling into the parking lot of Safeway, someone drove through a stop sign and waved at me!?! Coming into that parking lot, there is a 3-way stop. I stopped and noticed a van coming towards the intersection was going a little fast so I of course figured he wasn't going to stop. BINGO! I threw my hands up and gave him a 'what the f***' look and he just looked at me and waved at my like I was kind enough to let him go first through the intersection.

Is a red stop sign not good enough when all the surroundings are white from snow?!?!