Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Respect Others' Property

kids these days... seriously! or maybe i should say parents?

the other night, i was upstairs getting ready for bed and looked out the window at the park across the street to see how many screaming teenagers were playing at 10:00pm and happened to catch a girl jumping off rear bumper of my husbands truck  o.O

i immediately yelled downstairs what happened and he rushed out the door with his keys and looked for them. they didn't make it far, but were scared shitless when they heard him pull onto the road and have him pull up right next to them just a block away. as if he wasn't paranoid before about kids either vandalizing, scratching, denting his truck before, its worse now, lol.

it was kind of funny because its the same thing he did as a kid and now he's cursing today's youth for the same shinanagans  :)  i asked him if he ever thought he would be "that" guy who yells at teenagers, of course he said no, but then again he also didn't think he'd have a wife and a house.

this was his actual FB status on the matter:
Im that crazy old bastard that chases young folk down and lectures them on respecting other peoples property after they jump all over in the box of my truck outside my house....I hate that bastard
