Thursday, December 22, 2011

Creeping Red Lights

Do you honestly think it will get you anywhere any sooner?

Last night, after dropping my husband off, a car was doing this. It was so bad that they were practically in the intersection even before the light turned green. I've seen this before and I honestly think it's rediculous. Why do it? Why not just wait like everyone else and just get a fast start off the line instead of hanging out in the intersection before it's your turn? If someone decided to run the yellow light from the left, your front end would be gone. Then what? Would blame them for running the yellow and hitting you even though you were in the intersection? It seriously doesn't make any sense.

The thing I love most about these drivers? When they proceed to sit at the next green light instead....

Monday, December 12, 2011

Music Volume

In a place of business should not be so loud that you can't really hear the other end of a phone conversation!

This is my experience almost every. single. day. My boss finds the need to have the music on his computer so loud, than when clients call and i need to look at a file on his computer I need to completely turn off his music so I can hear what the client is saying.

Not cool!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Slow Walkers

Why oh why must you not cross the street in a straight line in the cross walk?

So on my way from work for lunch yesterday, I had to wait for what seemed like forever to turn because of the 2nd slowest walker known to man! And then she didn't even cross in the cross-walk so it took her even longer to cross the damn road! WTH?! Who does that?

The only other person I know that walks slower is an elderly gentleman who normally takes two steps, stops for 10 seconds, two more steps and another 10 seconds.... It's exhausting watching him move so slow. I actually feel bad for the guy. I don't often see him crossing the street so I'm not exactly sure if he picks up the pace or not...

But seriously, especially when its so busy, you should be crossing in the cross-walk unless you pick up the pace to get across faster, seriously!