Wednesday, April 24, 2013

the inconveniece of buying razors... it induces hair pulling!!!

been a while since I posted, but I was so aggravated this past weekend, I just needed to make a post!

I've long since despised buying DH's razors for him because it seems as though every store in town thinks everyone is either a criminal or suicidal and likes to lock them up, or at the very least, lock up all the mens razors aside from the disposable ones (which is something that doesn't exactly make sense either). its definitely a huge annoyance having to track someone down with keys to these locked up razors, but it normally isn't so bad that it takes just a few minutes and i'm on my way.

walmart, for whatever reason has a vendetta on letting anyone get razors and pay for them in less than 5 minutes. I was doing my weekly grocery run and the DH asked me to buy him some razors (even though I've protested buying them for him anymore because of this nuisance) so I thought i'd be nice and do it for him instead of pitching a fit and telling him to get them himself.

I had to return something back to walmart so I thought i'd get ahead of the game by asking the customer service desk to call someone over to the razor cabinet so that it would be a quick ordeal. I headed over there and waited a couple minutes in case I beat whoever had the keys. no one showed up but I noticed they finally installed their own type of bell (like their horn at the dressing rooms, but it was a doorbell), so I pressed it in hopes someone would be on their way... no one. press it again. no one. at one point some woman walked by, looked right at me standing there and kept walking. so I press it again and she comes back. I ask if they really don't have a better system in place for getting razors since I had been standing there for a good 10 minutes and pressed the button multiple times and all she could tell me was to keep pressing the button until someone shows up! she said it as though she completely ignored me when I said I had pushed it about 5 times in a matter of 10 minutes. I was just dumbfounded.

so she got the razors I wanted and then told me I had to pay for them at the pharmacy (which don't keep the keys even though they're closest to the cabinet) to which I asked if there was another way so I didn't have to make two separate transactions (one for the razors and one for my groceries) and she suggested getting my groceries and then going to the customer service desk to pay for everything and she would leave the razors there for me. while that would be the better option, I don't like paying for things there because its for customer service, not for everyone to be making their purchases! i'm far more considerate than that. so I sucked it up, told her the whole thing is ridiculous and they should find a better way to deal with razors and paid for them at the pharmacy.

I know I shouldn't blame her, but she didn't exactly give me polite and kind service either (not that I was very polite after being forced to wait for so long). I should be placing blame on those who give stores like walmart a reason for having to lock up the razors. I can't help but be incredibly confused when its only the expensive (read: non-disposable) razors that get locked up and even more confused when its only the men's razors that get locked up at other stores in town.

Friday, November 30, 2012


In the evening, not a lot of vehicles parked on the sides of mainstreet, yet a cab feels the need to stop in the driving lane to pick someone up and spend probably 5 minutes holding up traffic. Really? All they had to do was pull up 2 car lengths so they could pull over and let other drivers through, but no. When I drove by, there was 4 vehicles waiting on them. SMH!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Respect Others' Property

kids these days... seriously! or maybe i should say parents?

the other night, i was upstairs getting ready for bed and looked out the window at the park across the street to see how many screaming teenagers were playing at 10:00pm and happened to catch a girl jumping off rear bumper of my husbands truck  o.O

i immediately yelled downstairs what happened and he rushed out the door with his keys and looked for them. they didn't make it far, but were scared shitless when they heard him pull onto the road and have him pull up right next to them just a block away. as if he wasn't paranoid before about kids either vandalizing, scratching, denting his truck before, its worse now, lol.

it was kind of funny because its the same thing he did as a kid and now he's cursing today's youth for the same shinanagans  :)  i asked him if he ever thought he would be "that" guy who yells at teenagers, of course he said no, but then again he also didn't think he'd have a wife and a house.

this was his actual FB status on the matter:
Im that crazy old bastard that chases young folk down and lectures them on respecting other peoples property after they jump all over in the box of my truck outside my house....I hate that bastard


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kids These Days...

I swear parents either don't care about teaching their kids common sense or kids are rebelling much sooner in life...

I was heading home after work last thursday (coincidently it was also my bday) and 2 kids who couldn't have been more than say 10-12 years old were playing in traffic. Seriously.

A car would be coming about a block and a half to 2 blocks away and one of them would walk off the sidewalk into the middle of the lane the car was in and taunt the driver by doing a stupid dance. Then when the car was about half a block to a block away, they would walk back to the sidewalk and then stare at the driver with a stupid "haha, I'm so funny" sarcastic look on their faces like its cool to play in traffic.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Speaks for itself...

and this is exactly why i hate big cities when emergencies happen! you're supposed to move for the big red truck!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Didn't Your Mother Teach You NOT to Stand in the Middle of the Road???

yep, seriously.

driving back from the local tim horton's after lunch a car was stuck in the very deep snow that accumulated over the weekend (ie 1 foot +) and the ppl watching the person trying to rock it out of the spot were standing on the street on the edge of the driving lane. that's right. everyone in that lane had to drive around while oncoming traffic was also coming.

i thought we all got taught not to stand in the middle of the street ever by our parents, especially one with cars driving on it...

Monday, January 23, 2012


odd, just odd... lol. not sure if the guy was purposely trying to pull as far into the parking spot as possible so his back end wasn't sticking out, or if he was even aware his front passenger tire was on the curb?

either way, i thought it was hilarious so i felt a need to take a picture of it and blog about it  :D

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Would you hire a secretary to do a plumber's job?

this is almost exactly what my boss did/has been doing....

he's been getting his son to do some work for him on the side. he has NO training or schooling in architecture or construction, let alone AutoCAD. i can't even begin to explain how frustrating it is to work on something that someone who isn't trained properly in the feild, but its even more frustrating when they don't know how things work in AutoCAD! i have to spend so much extra time first fixing things on the actual drawings, but then i practically have to do all the finishing work again.

seriously, if you're going to get someone to do some extra work for you, at least take the time to train them!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Creeping Red Lights

Do you honestly think it will get you anywhere any sooner?

Last night, after dropping my husband off, a car was doing this. It was so bad that they were practically in the intersection even before the light turned green. I've seen this before and I honestly think it's rediculous. Why do it? Why not just wait like everyone else and just get a fast start off the line instead of hanging out in the intersection before it's your turn? If someone decided to run the yellow light from the left, your front end would be gone. Then what? Would blame them for running the yellow and hitting you even though you were in the intersection? It seriously doesn't make any sense.

The thing I love most about these drivers? When they proceed to sit at the next green light instead....

Monday, December 12, 2011

Music Volume

In a place of business should not be so loud that you can't really hear the other end of a phone conversation!

This is my experience almost every. single. day. My boss finds the need to have the music on his computer so loud, than when clients call and i need to look at a file on his computer I need to completely turn off his music so I can hear what the client is saying.

Not cool!